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A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Their Preschoolers Memorization Skills
As a parent to a growing child, you may be amazed at how quickly their little brains will soak up information during those first few years. The sensitive years from birth to six years old is a pivotal time for children to gain knowledge from understanding math to their native and foreign language acquisition. Memorization plays a major role in child development, and here is a guide to understanding your preschooler’s memorization skills.
The Power of Senses
According to First Steps, nine-tenths of your child’s brain growth takes place before kindergarten. That’s why parents must encourage their children to connect new information with existing memories. Even before they begin kindergarten, you can practice new words, concepts, and talk to them about past experiences to see what they can remember. Preschoolers often rely on their emotional and sensory connections to help form these memories. The way something feels or the way we feel about something often shapes how and what we will remember.
The Significance of Language Acquisition
Students will begin forming memories before they can fully express themselves articulately. However, as they develop their language skills, it will also enhance recall. Each new word and related concept enhance each experience, fostering a better memory of it.
The Value of Repetition
Repeating things is how one memorizes them. This act of memory enhancement starts in these early sensitive years, and therefore, is a major part of child development. Such repetition begins with fun activities. Some examples of these activities include memorizing nursery rhymes, singing songs and reading books that have repetitive words or phrases in them, playing games that require remembering words, actions, and things. Memory games for example help little ones’ recall where they last saw something.
As you can see, the power of memory is essential to your child’s learning and overall personal development. Ensuring your child’s preschool supports this important aspect of development is important. As a private educational facility, our early learning center and preschool programs focus on the intricacies of child development so your preschooler is ready for the next developmental stage. For more information, contact us at The Learning World Academy Venetian to schedule a visit.